Year 6

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Welcome to Year 6

Miss Ferguson - Class 13 Teacher
Mrs Cooper - Class 13 Teaching Assistant
Mrs Sheri - Class 13 Teaching Assistant

Miss Pike - Class 14 Teacher
Mrs Brown - Class 14 Teaching Assistant
Mrs Kaur - Class 14 Teaching Assistant
Miss Baines - Class 14 Teaching Assistant
Mrs Pervaz - Class 14 Teaching Assistant



This term in English, we will be focussing on Non-Fiction texts. This includes an information text based on fears and phobias, where the children will come up with their own weird and wonderful phobias. We will then be writing a balanced argument where the children will create their own argument on a topic they are interested in, for example: Should female footballers get paid the same as male footballers?

In Guided reading, we will be focussing on a variety of our VIPERS. First we will be developing our retrieving skills by using skimming and scanning and other techniques. This is before we move on to looking at inference and vocabulary.

In SPAG, we shall be revisiting grammatical terms from Year 5 and practising our weekly spellings.

In Autumn, we will covering a wide range of Mathematical topics. These include place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions and Imperial and Metric units. While covering these topics, we will also be developing our arithmetic skills.

In Autumn 2, Class 13 will be looking at Electricity, eventually creating their own Christmas creation using electrical equipment. Class 14, will be looking at Animals including humans and delving deeper into the circulatory system looking at The Heart and our blood. As well as researching healthy lifestyles.

In Autumn 2, the children will begin learning about World War II. An exciting topic, that looks into how the war started, what it was like for a variety of different people living through the war and how it eventually ended.

This term, we will be looking at the question: What religions say when life gets hard?

In Autumn, we will be learning the song ‘Happy’ by Pharrell Williams and using our Glockenspiels to create our own composition to this iconic song. In Autumn 2, we will continue to practice our written notation skills as well as practicing for our Christmas Carol Concert in December.

In Autumn, we will start off by looking at our VIPS (Very important people), looking at how we can make and keep friends, as well as not being influenced by negative behaviour. In Autumn 2, we will be learning about to keep ourselves safe and away from harm.

The Year 6 Team

Information for Parents/Guardians:


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